The Owner Was Locked Out Of The House When The Heroic Cat Saved Her

Meet Boko, a stray cat that Texas college student Gabby Tropea saved last year. Tropea discovered Boko as a stray on her college and fell in love with him right away. She made the decision to adopt him at that time, and they have never been able to be apart.

One day, Tropea left Boko at home in order to take her sister Isabelle to school. Upon returning, Tropea realized she was unable to come inside because her sister had locked the door, and she didn’t bring her keys.

According to Tropea: “I got to the front door and Boko could hear me trying to get in. He started crying and scratching at the door.” The poor cat thought that he was never going to see his beloved owner anymore.

Fortunately, Gabby came up with the ideal strategy for getting Boko to lead her inside. A stick was used to fasten the back door so it couldn’t be opened. In order for her to be able to open the door, Gabby hoped that his furry companion would be able to get rid of the stick.

“I went to the back patio and he saw me waiting there. He started rubbing his face on the stick and I was encouraging him to mess with it. I was coaching him to lift it up,” Tropea said. “He understood what I was trying to tell him and he started lifting it up!”

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