Poor Kitten Found Lying Outside On A Rainy Day. Gave Her A Life

While riding my bike back to home one afternoon I found this kitten screaming and crying for help lying outside in an open area on a rainy day all wet. I stood up there looked at the cat and decided to take her home. He seemed to be happy when I took him home after this I decided to give her a name and I started calling her “BRAVE” . 

She was all wet and  was just skin and bone.

I boiled the water and waited for it to cool down. It was really important to make her bath because she was smelling very foul and was full of dirt and sand on her body. 

I used baby shampoo to bathe her because I don’t have cat shampoo.

Then I dried her with a towel for a while, and also cleaned her eyes as well.

She was sleeping on a towel after drying she must have felt relaxed ad was already tired so she must have slept on it.

I fed him some milk and some food, she eat more food than I expected! That’s the good news.

Look how cute she is, she’s like: “Thanks, I’m better now”!

She is ready to explore the world.

Now she doesn’t have to worry about her life at all.! He had a good home now and a very good parents as well. She was full of everything now. She had good food, good place to sleep, good place to play and good parents to take care of hers.



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